15 Jul 2013

Beauty: Burt's Bees deep cleansing cream

In my quest for the perfect daily facial wash/mild scrub/... I've used a few. My latest one by Jason was good but in the end, the scrubbing was just a bit to rash.
It seems now that I've finally found the perfect one for my skin! Hurrah!

The Burt's Bees Deep Cleansing Cream (so no scrub!) with soap bark and chamomile with a hint of menthol is just....a breath of mint fresh air. You don't need much of it, but when you apply it on your wet face it's like you've inhaled a bunch of powerful Vicks tablets...except it's your skin...well, you get the point. Your pores are nuked by total freshness (sorry for the repeated use of fresh but that's the only word I can come up with here) and when you've washed it all away, your skin feels as young as a phoenix risen from its ashes (yes, I get lyrical now)
Amazing product. I've found my grail. The search ends here.

Animal testing info:
Burt's Bees doesn't test on animals and is on the Leaping Bunny list.

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